The 2024 MATE Floats! Vertical Profiler is a simple kit (not an actual float) intended to introduce SCOUT and NAVIGATOR teams to the idea of designing and building a vertical profiling float and to help them to complete the 2024 MATE Floats! Task.
The MATE Floats! Vertical Profiler kit has a power cord kit, a switch for controlling the float, a tether, and a single motor to move the profiler up and down in the water column. Extra wires in the tether can be used to connect a temperature sensor from the profiler to the surface.
Basic instructions for assembling the Profiler kit can be found HERE.
Thruster Motor - 1 pcs
Propeller - 1 pcs
Propeller Screw - 1 pcs
Locknut for propeller screw - 1 pcs
Propeller adapter - 1 pcs
Set screw for propeller adapter - 1 pcs
Hex wrench - 1 pcs
Thread locker (271 red, 0.5ml capsule) - 1 pcs
PVC Motor Mounts - 1 pcs
18/6 AF/PF tether wire (6-wire gray) - 25 feet
Velcro Closures - 1 pcs
3/16" Red Heat Shrink tubing - 12 inches
Solder&Seal Connector - Blue - 4 pcs
7mm Black Heat Shrink - 3 inches
7.5 Amp Blade Fuse (Grey) - 1 pcs
30 Amp Powerpole Assembly Kit - 1 pcs
Terminal Ring Connectors - Red - 22-18 awg - 10 pcs
Reclaimed Wire (18 gauge, various colors) - 6 inches
DPDT Toggle Switch (large) (AF) - 1 pcs
Terminal Ring Connectors - Blue - 16-14 awg - 3 pcs